Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Meeting 2018, Galveston, TX
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The 2018 Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) meeting will be held October 15-19, 2018 in Galveston, TX, with a social mixer the evening of Sunday, October 14. The meeting will end at noon on Friday, October 19 to accommodate flights out that evening.
Important dates:
The meeting will be held at the Tremont House, near the historic ‘Strand’ in Galveston. You can book your room now using this link. There are 100 rooms reserved for the conference, given on a first-come, first served basis. Register by September 21 to ensure the conference rate. You can find more information on the travel page.
NOTICE the booking link is temporarily broken! It should be fixed soon. In the meantime, call 409-515—2154 to make reservations.
Initial plans were to hold the meeting at UTMSI in Port Aransas, TX. However, Port Aransas was devistated by Hurricane Harvey, the same hurricane that caused massive flooding in Houston, TX. Recovery has been slow along the south Texas coast. The facilities are still under repair, and it is anticipated the meeting rooms would not be ready until late 2018. Because of the delay associated with relocation, we will not be asking for extended abstracts this year.
Hope to see you all in Galveston! From the 2018 PECS organizing committee,
Rob Hetland, Julie Pietrzak, and Dave Ralston